Thursday, September 13, 2012

The article that I read, World Without Walls: Learning Well With Others, was possibly the most repetitive article I have ever read. In begins by raising the example of a young 11 year old volunteer who gets all of her ideas for projects from comments on her blog. The article then goes on, completely forgetting the girl, to explain how the world is changing and teaching style must be adapted to cope with the giant flow of information. Fair enough, go on. The article at this point has unfortunately run out of information. It basically makes the same point over and over again with only one point at the end where it says that teacher's mustn't be so harsh on online study groups. In this article it made one point that I thought was very important and completely symbolized why the educational system isn't ready for online education. That quote was "being produced by amateur writers," the article is basically saying not everything that is online is actually true. Unfortunately many kids believe that everything online is true, for this reason I believe that the in class form is still far superior. To the article's benefit I did find the part at the beginning about the 11 year old blogger quite surprising. I wouldn't have imagined that someone that young would get that idea and actually create a blog, viewed by people all around the world, all by her self.

Connected interesting concept. I personally don't believe it is majorly effective unless its a project. I don't believe students will go out of there way to learn about something in there free time for the sole reason to write a post about it. Students are expected to be in clubs, to play sports, to hang out with friends, and also to have 2-3 hours of homework ever night. I don't believe that as well as all this students will write on their blogs unless it is an assignment, and therefore we must do it. We simply don't have time.

Personally I believe it would be really cool to link my blog to both sports blog of some type as well as some sort of history thing, because I really enjoy certain aspects of history, such as more medieval/ancient, more guessery less knowledge. Unfortunately we don't do to much of this in class.

My article

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