Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Gaza Stip

Whats going on in the Gaza Strip?
Israeli forces have killed 11 or more civilians in the past 5 days of bombing of the Gaza Strip. Of most recent, Israeli forces have bombed the Hamas prime minister's office. They have systematically began destroying Palestinian rocket launch cites and have killed the Hamas Military Chief. Over the past couple days the Palestinian's and Israeli's have repeatedly attacked each other in response to attacks from the other side...kind of ironic.Both sides have stated that the reasons for their attacks have stemmed from attacks of the opposition. So who really started it? According to Emily Hauser, and American Israeli writer, the attacks originally began with the Israeli, although the fight between the two sides has been going on for what seems to be forever Hauser has pin pointed a time during the past month where she believes the current war has started. On November 8th Israeli forces killed a young boy of either 12 or 13. Later that day, Palestinian forces destroyed an Israeli tunnel in response injuring a guard but killing no one. Two days later the conflict continued when Palestinian forces fired rockets at an Israeli patrol injuring two soldiers. That day the Israelis responded by firing into Gaza multiple times hurting and killing many civilians including a ten year old boy. They also used drones to fire missiles into Gaza. From there on it continues how we all know it. Israelis using their superior American Funded defense system to stop Palestinian Rockets while also attacking Gaza and the Hamas returning fire. So who started it? This time it was the Israelis and even if one made the argument that the death of one person in a war torn area like the middle east shouldn't induce an attack on this scale, the Israelis still up-ed the anty by firing multiple times into Gaza which led to Palestinian rocket fire. According to the New York Times Obama released his opinion on the crisis while on his trip in China. He said, "There’s no country on earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders. We are fully supportive of Israel’s right to defend itself.” This is not the response that should be given. For once Obama must step in and ask that Israeli and Palestine come to a truce on the matter. Although Israeli is defending themselves they also did start the fight and Obama should not commend such violence. Although, as we have all heard countless times in the past election, Israeli is our greatest ally in the Middle East we must still accept what they are doing is wrong and we can not stand behind it.

Waiting For the World to Change - John Mayer

Just thought it was a cool song

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